
Easy file uploads with Firebase Cloud Storage and AngularJS

In the previous tutorial, we learned how to use Firebase and AngularJS to store and view data in Realtime database. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to store, list, download and delete files in Firebase Cloud Storage using AngularJS Cloud Storage Cloud Storage is a storage service which stores files as ‘objects’. These objects are

Easy file uploads with Firebase Cloud Storage and AngularJS Read More »

Five steps to build a basic contacts app using Firebase and AngularJS

In this tutorial, we will create a basic contacts app using AngularJS and Firebase. We are going to assume that you have basic understanding about using AngularJS. Introduction to Firebase It is a mobile development platform by Google. It provides products such as database, storage, authentication, messaging, analytics and more. Developers can start working on their

Five steps to build a basic contacts app using Firebase and AngularJS Read More »

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